Thursday, February 28, 2008

So... It's been a while...

Since I have last posted A LOT has happened... Some good and some bad but that's life, you take the good with the bad... And HEY! You make lemonade out of the lemons!

I have resurrected my photography business. I have done weddings, babies, concerts, etc. I have done anything from studio to on location as well. The name, glad you asked!...
Lasting Impressions Photography.

I have TWO websites:

The latter of the two is currently under reconstruction. I am so excited about venturing back out into this field... God's just kinda opened a few doors, or so it seems, for me to be able to do this again and I have some AMAZING friends that are helping me rebuild my portfolio... And an AMAZING best friend who is donning a wedding gown for bridal shots for my albums, as well.

Look for good things... I know I am!

Also - My husbands website is taking off EVEN more than it already was. We have now done four artist interviews with more on the schedule to come! Insane! But... A blessing and answer to our prayers... Check out his site:

My sisters and I, and our cousins, are starting walks in Georgia and North Carolina to benefit the Huntington's Disease Society of America. They call it Team Hope Walk-A-Thons... We are doing this in loving memory of my mom who passed when I was sixteen. Feel free to email us if you are interested in walking or making a donation... We also have a myspace page.

My singing has taken a turn for the best as well... I've been singing at different places in metro Atlanta and now it looks like I have a "permanent" venue for Wednesday nights... Now if I can just get back into the studio! Haha!

Before ALL the above kicked off big time - I decided to do Lia Sophia Jewelry... I have three shows booked for March so far and I am so excited about them as well. Check out the AMAZING jewelry at - That's my mother-in-law's site because I do not have one set up yet though. This is a great opportunity and a great way to make money while being a "stay-at-home-mom." If you would like to place an order simply title your email "Lia Sophia Order/Show for Ashley" and email me at

Well.. Right now I am doing one of my most favorite things in the world... Well two - holding my sweet sleeping little angel baby girl AND talking to my best friend. I am blessed! God LOVES me!! Oh yes He does!

Till next time...


Sunday, February 17, 2008

My 6th Anniversary...

Friday, February 15th, 2002...

We both said "I do." In a church full of friends and families... Little did we know what was in store for us down the road.

We have been through our fair, and unfair share, of struggles and troubles, ups and downs, highs and lows... We have been to the point of throwing the towel in for a number of reasons...

Six years later... We have two beautiful little girls and are expecting our third. I would choose him all over again. If I could do things differently I would in a heartbeat to take away the hurts and pain caused, the trauma endured, the trust broken and loss of love and innocence in a relationship thought to have been made in heaven... I would take away the skeletons in the closets, the lies told and covered for years, the broken promises, the hurtful words said...


I would not trade anything in this world for: my children, knowing that every morning I will wake up beside my husband, knowing that when I am scared he will be there to protect me to his best ability, when I am sick he takes care of me, his silly little antics that drive me crazy but secretly I would miss if they went away, the kisses that he sneaks when no one is looking, kisses in the car, having his arms around me to hold me for no reason, the three hand squeezes and four back that our special - only to us. I love him with all my heart and I am grateful for all the fun times that we have had together, all the special moments... All the God-given moments that we have had together and I am thankful that despite our past that he loves me and I love him. I'm grateful for the Daddy and husband that he is and for the man that he is allowing God to constantly change and mold him into who he is now and who God wants him to be now and forever. I'm thankful that we took the vows "til death do us part" and I'm thankful that we have chosen to make that our daily vow to each other... Spoken out loud or not.

I'm glad that we have celebrated our 6th anniversary of marriage and I look forward to a hundred more... Well... If we live to have that many :o). You get the point!

I love you Baby! I love you so much! You are my S.A.B.... Hand squeeze to the third power times infinity! All of my love for all of my life...


Am I My Brother's Keeper?

Funny that that was the title of Friday's devotional seeing how Marlee and I are doing the same one's everyday for accountability, etc.

Am I my brother's keeper? Romans 14:7 says that "None of us lives to himself alone..."
That says it all doesn't it? Have you ever read the passage that says if we cause a brother or sister to stumble we will be held accountable? It's all pretty much summed up right there. We are to live in a way that others can see Jesus IN US, not just by us talking about it... Talk means nothing unless you live it, on purpose. You've heard the saying walk the walk talk the talk... Well I think we need to walk the talk... not just talk the talk. Anyone can talk it... It takes someone worth their salt to live it. I've been so guilty of just talking the talk and not living it and I'm tired of looking back at the times that I have done that - I'm sure it's something we have all been guilty of but it's something I'm striving to be more aware of and to stay away from. By living the way I should I am being a good keeper of my brother by setting the right examples...No I am not perfect but I DO have a perfect example that was set before me to follow. I can't force anyone to live how Jesus wants them to but I can love my brothers and sisters and live like Jesus in front of them and "love them like Jesus"(to quote a friend)... Jesus was with the least of us and died for all of us... He is and was our keeper and lived such a sinless and perfect life that He was the only perfect sacrifice and example EVER!
I choose to be my brother's keeper... So to speak. I choose to live like Jesus wants me to live... What does this mean? Well - it just means that it's not going to be easy and no I'm not perfect so I will make mistakes along the way but I will continue to give each day to Him and live according to the example that He so lovingly set before us... He lived it because He loved us and if I love him and love my brothers and sisters in Him than I need to follow the example that He set.

That's all for now... I'm sure I'll be writing more later...


Friday, February 15, 2008

My FIRST Blog!

Um... This is my first EVER blog so... I'm not sure where this is going to go or what's going to become of it but we shall see. My life has been nothing short of an adventure and I don't see this as being anything less...

Well - I am Ashley. I am a wife and a mother of two AMAZING little girls that are my world! My husband and I are currently expecting our third-and final, unless God has other plans-baby. Right now I am staying at home as I was laid off right after Christmas and haven't found anything yet. Maybe God's plan isn't for me to be at work right now but we shall see...

I LOVE God! I love my family, my friends, my girls make me laugh through my tears. I love rollercoasters and fast cars. I love the beach more than anything! I love the lake and the pool - my favorite season is Summer - the clothes are the BEST! I love shopping when I can and even when I can't it's fun to daydream and window shop. My little girls and I play dress up in Bloomingdale's when we can't really buy anything... We don't look at price tags - just grab whatever we want and try it on... I have super cute pictures of this. I love cuddling on the sofa with my husband and our two little girls and I adore just snuggling up to him every night before drifting off to dreamland. I love animals but prefer dogs to cats. I would LOVE to have a horse - they're my favorite! I love reading and haven't done it as much as I would like to. I love to read my Bible and see all the amazing things that God has to show me. I love love LOVE singing and my friends and family seem to think I'm pretty good at it - I'm more modest about it. I love writing music and composing it! I love taking pictures, in fact I'm rarely without my camera. I love to act super silly and then I love to have some serious moments as well. My husband is one of my absolute favorite acting silly partners... He always makes me laugh... But I love making him laugh too!

Okay - So I'm gonna leave something for you to discover and stop writing so much right now... I'll write some more later. Since this is my first blog EVER... Thanks to My Marlee-love! I'm gonna tell everyone that they need to check hers out too!

Life is a FUN FUN rollercoaster and I can't wait to see what lies around the bend... Care to join me??