Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Where I belong

Where I Belong - Building 429

This song is one of my absolute favorites right now.  I was a vocal music major so I appreciate a lot about the song... But I can just completely loose myself in this song.

It speaks to me. On soo many levels.

See... This world is NOT where we belong. We were created for another world... By a Creator that is out of this world. I'm reading "Captivating" right now... I encourage you to read it if you haven't yet... Wow! As a woman it is showing me so much about myself... It's crazy. Anyways! The part I am reading right now is talking about how the whole earth is filled with HIS Glory... And how God delights in beauty and how He created beauty and that if we can see the beauty of this world... It's nothing compared to the beauty we will experience when we meet with our Creator face to face.

I'm glad I wasn't created for this world.

This world there are many pains and trials and tribulations... Things that aren't beautiful.

We don't belong here. We were made with eternity in mind. We were made to find ourselves and our true beauty in Him. And to finally be at home, in heaven, with Jesus.

My prayer is that MY true beauty will be one that comes from my Daddy in Heaven... and that it will point others to Him so that they too can know and go, one day, to the Home that they were created for. Our true beauty comes from our identity in Christ. That's the only way to truly radiate beauty and peace. Proverbs 31 says "charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting..." - Beauty IS fleeting... Outer beauty is anyways... But an inner beauty that comes from a walk with The Lord and knowing Him will never fade... And it will ultimately lead us to the beautiful place we were created for, Heaven... to be with our Heavenly Daddy for all eternity.

Whatever you are going through, it's only temporary. This life is only temporary. The beauty of this life is only temporary. I'm so thankful that Jesus came and died for me, in the world that I don't belong in, so that I can experience the Heaven that I was made for and the eternal beauty of my relationship with Him.

And that's an invitation for anyone and everyone... Are you ready to experience the most beautiful thing in this world that leads to eternal beauty and life with the Beautiful One that created you? I know I am.