Monday, December 29, 2008

Battle of the Bulge

I never used to have trouble with weight, after my oldest was born I was able to get back to pre-pregnancy size before her first birthday and *about* the same with my second child... I had to work HARD to get off the weight the second time. Now that I have had three children I find that I am at an unhealthy weight for my frame - healthy for me is anywhere between 140 and 160 and well... Lets just say I weigh WELL over that(I will be weighing in tomorrow on here, in the morning). 

I have wanted to lose weight, I need to. *But* now I am on doctors orders to lose weight. My heart has weakened and I have elevated cholesterol and sugar levels in my blood... Soo... I read up on a lot of things that can cause that and that can "reverse" that. Exercise strengthens your heart and lowers cholesterol and sugar... So! My plan: To start walking... I plan to start at 30minutes a day at a light pace and work myself up to running, I *really* want to run the Peachtree Road Race this coming year - something I have always talked about but never done... And dog gone it! I'm gonna do it! (providing we can afford to buy a number)

Tomorrow morning I am going to post a picture of what I look like now, with my measurements and current weight and track my progress weekly or bi-weekly... We'll see how it goes, but however frequent, I will be tracking it on here. 

Please give me some encouragement as I press on toward a healthier and more fit me. I want to be around a long time for my children, God-willing.