Thursday, February 26, 2009

Can't think of anything life changing for a title...

I have sat and thought about trying to write something that would be life changing but instead I am just going to tell you about my day... as a mommy of 3. 

I was awaken by my 5 1/2month old and 4yr old fussing, on top of my head... Not the best way to start the day. Now enter my hubby with groceries for the week after taking my eldest to school. I let him clean the kitchen and stuff this morning while I worked on pictures from some shoots... Normal run of the mill kinda day for me. My hubby had a lunch date today with our oldest, I had a lunch date with my preganant younger sister, my niece and my middle girl :o). We had a good time... I love my sister. We are so alike in some ways and yet so different in others... I guess it'd be kinda boring if we were exactly alike. 

It was a very pretty day so we went to the park with some friends, another beautiful pregnant friend with her hubby and little girl. And I LOVE that family!! I can honestly say that I love this family like they were my own... God has truly blessed us with some great friends and I am truly grateful for them. 

Karate was today... That was fun. I think my daughter may actually do better if we weren't in there  for her to look at every so often. I think she looks over at us for approval of what she is doing. I am thankful for her goldy karate leaders that love her and are encouraging of her... She is the only one her age that has never been in karate but she loves it and so we will stick with it as long as she does.

Now on to dinner... We got a special invite to a Chick-fil-a "event" at a  location that we frequent... And that my hubby has befriended the ENTIRE staff. It was a lot of fun... There were people from our church and from other parts of our life there. We were unsure of the dress of the event though since it was invite only... My hubby and I were in the front of the car contemplating whether it was "dress up" or not... when from the back seat I hear "if it's dress up then I will just got as a zoo keeper........I think I still have some stuffed animals in the car..."  Our oldest apparently thought that by "dress up" we meant costume dress up... I love my children, they say the best things!!!

Back home to where I get some disturbing news (the out come was alright though) and I learned that my new camera is ON ITS WAY!! It will be here tomorrow!! And I couldn't be more excited!

My day will end with me watching a movie with my hubby and cuddling on our new shag rug that we got for our living room... GOT TO LOVE TARGET!! (pronounced tar-shay ;o) )

Night all...