Wednesday, February 11, 2009

yeah yeah yeah

So things have been pretty good the last couple weeks... i got some good results from the cardiologist and that made me happy - still trying to figure out everything that has been going on and is causing these weird things and the weakening of my heart but I know it's all in God's hands and there is nothing He can't handle.

We are thinking about moving. My husband's workers comp case is FINALLY over and so we can all breathe a little easier... So we have been looking at houses. Houses where everything works and it doesn't cost us an arm and a leg to stay in :). We have found one that I am pretty much in love with... I'm praying that it's the right one. Hopefully we will know something soon. We don't want to move our girls around but we do want to go where God would have us to go. 

I've been working out... It's going pretty good. Contemplated getting a trainer but I decided that since I know what to do, I was just going to force myself to do it... And now I am incredibly sore, good sign, right? 

My girls... Well they are growing... My middle baby will be four tomorrow and that just breaks my heart! I can't remember her getting this big! Time goes by too fast. She keeps coming to me saying "Mommy, I'm growing already, why?" "Mommy, why did God want me to grow?"  I can't believe that my oldest baby is seven and that my youngest baby is already 5months old. 

I have a lot of friends that are pregnant right now... I sure hope that doesn't mean that I'm next. I like to think that I started the string of pregnancies... Not that I will be ending the string of pregnancies. 

I'm rambling, but isn't that what a blog is for? My mindless rambles? Oh well... I am off to sit and cuddle with my hunnie and get in my Bible for my quiet time. I hope you are too...

Until next time -