Friday, September 12, 2008

Ashley & Addison Update

Hey guys! Here's the latest:

On Addison:
Her labs yesterday came back and had dropped two whole points from the day before which is great! She is actually at the hospital right now with Wes, having more labs done again today to determine if the levels are still dropping and to see if there is anything that they need to do over the weekend to keep her levels dropping. Her bilirubin count had been up in the 20's and yesterday it was 18 - they don't like them to be above 12 but they are pleased that her levels are now coming down. The main thing that they worry about it potential brain damage in babies with high bilirubin levels. We are just praying that her levels keep dropping and that she has no adverse reaction/complications due to the high bilirubin levels.

On Ashley:
I went back to the cardiologist for the echo/ultrasound yesterday and at this point my heart function looks good and they are thinking that it is probably just my heart having to work overtime because all the excess fluid right now. I am on a 24 hour Holter heart monitor until this evening so I can record when I feel the chest pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, etc. I am also on total bed rest, again! But they are wanting me to get up and move around the house some so that I don't develop any clots and clots are another concern that they had for me. So right now we are just asking for prayer that the diuretics are able to continue to remove fluid, that my heart function doesn't weaken, that my hemoglobin, potassium and iron levels(and a few others) level out, and that I don't develop a clot. They are choosing to treat me slowly because the levels in my blood, my elevated blood pressure & pulse and so that I can continue to nurse Addison. I'm still a little nervous about it all but God's gonna take care of us and I know tons of you guys are praying for us!

Thank you for all your prayers! Keep praying and we'll keep you all updated! Thank you for your encouragement!!

Prayer Request for Me & Addison

Wednesday - September 10, 2007

This is in 3rd person, I just copy & pasted from Wes' note so I didn't have to type it all over again...

Ashley had to go to the cardiologist today. She has been having the same symptoms since before the end of the pregnancy that could be indicative of Peripartum Cardiomyopathy,which is a weakened heart that develops during pregnancy and the heart could just stop, that is supposed to be and can be diagnosed in the last month of pregnancy. She has been very fatigued, swelling in her feet and ankles, racing pulse, elevated blood pressure and shortness of breath since before Addison was born but they didn't do anything about it. Her blood pressure and pulse sent us to the ER the other night and they checked out her kidney function and told us to follow up with her ob since she is postpartum... The ob did some blood work yesterday and the levels in her blood didn't come back so great so they put her on iron pills and told her she would need to see a cardiologists due to her symptoms and her labs. At the cardiologist today they checked her out and she has developed heart murmurs and all her symptoms, worse case scenario, can be indicating the cardiomyopathy or, best case scenario, could just be that her heart can't handle all the extra fluid (and the trauma of the delivery on her heart) that a diuretic to remove the fluid would resolve the issue. The cardiologist has sent her home on a mild diuretic, since she is breastfeeding, to be started immediately and they have ordered an ultrasound of her heart to be done tomorrow to check the valve function, etc. She has already been suffering from shortness of breath and a racing pulse, which are things they told her could signal the worse of the two "problems", to the point that it woke her up last night from her sleep... They said that if that happens again that she needs to go straight to the ER. Needless to say she is scared and it's not really and easy situation to be in. Please keep her, and us, in your prayers and that whatever it is can and will be able to be resolved soon and safely.

Addison is still having to have daily bilirubin checks because her levels are still elevated. If her levels don't go down enough they will have to do one of two treatments, phototherapy or they would have to remove old blood from one leg while at the same time putting new blood into the next leg. So we are just praying that the bilirubin levels will go down enough and soon enough that we don't have to undergo the harder of the two treatments.

Ashley & Addison both have appointments in the morning with their doctors.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

One place:
One link:



Okay... So my husband and I had the awesome privilege of meet Sam and some others, from Jesus Branded in 2007 at Atlanta Fest... We enjoyed talking with these guys and getting to know them! The hardest part of meeting them, for me, was leaving without one of EACH of their shirts... Though I was able to squeeze two out of my husband as a "birthday gift."

Awesome Shirts!

Awesome people!

Awesome causes!

Awesomer messages!

Do you need any other reason to check them out? I think NOT!

Check out their site and don't just look at the amazing shirts! Look at who they are and why they do what they do!