Monday, July 25, 2011


been working on the house lately. it's hard for me to work from home when my house is in disarray - that combined with being sick for nearly 3weeks and my life has been completely chaotic.

if you follow me at all, you know i have a love for beachy things, shabby chic, vintage, etc... basically really relaxed colors and decorating... i want to be able to chill in my house and really chill.

when we first bought this sofa table, it was perfect for what i wanted, but since then i have come to love-it-not-so-much... it was time for some t.l.c. and t.l.c. is just what it got!! above is the before and after picture :) - it brightens up the room soo much and i LOVE it now!! it's like a brand new piece of furniture and all i had to do was buy a can of paint! :)