Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Updates on Me & Baby Girl #3

Soo... It has been a LONG while since I have posted anything on here for anyone who may actually be reading this. Here is what has been going on with me and this pregnancy - most recent update is the top one... The updates are in reverse chronological order :)


AMFM, my specialist, has given the okay for the doctor to order the amnio for me to be induced! YAY! So today when we saw my obgyn he ordered that the surgical coordinator call me to set up the appointment for the amnio to determine if the baby's lungs are mature enough for induction next week! Makes me oh so happy!!! *BUT* There is a twist to this story... There have been things going on and happening with my body that could signal that labor could happen anywhere from a few hours away to a few days. Some of the doctors seem to think that with everything that has been going on, and if you have had a child you may know what I am talking about, I may go into labor on my own before there is even the chance for the amnio to be done. The doctors also have agreed that ideally I should go into labor on my own before all this has to happen. We are just praying that either I will go into labor on my own within the next few days or that the results for the amnio will say that the baby's lungs are mature enough to go ahead and be induced, in order to prevent any further complications. ALSO - I am the world's biggest weenie...And I HATE needles(and have a severely low pain tolerance)... So pray that if we end up having to go the route of the amnio, and even if we don't, that I will be okay with all the needles and pain associated with everything from the amnio to the epidural to the baby being born and everything in between and after...I'm a BIG baby....I know...And I'm okay with that so go ahead and laugh at me :).

Soo...I saw the specialist, AMFM, yesterday and my doctor there is fine with my regular obgyn ordering the amnio to have me induced pending the results of the test on baby girls' lungs :). So I go to my regular obgyn today to have all that scheduled for the first of the coming week, since by their dates I will be 37 weeks on Sunday...YAY! The specialist did say that it would be ideal if I would just go on into labor on my own between now and having to have the amnio done for the best chance of a successful delivery. So pending me going into labor on my own and/or the results of the amnio coming back fine for the baby...We may have a baby on Tuesday or by Tuesday!!

We're just praying that I will either go into labor before the amnio or that the amnio will come back with good results for induction.

Contractions started pretty steady yesterday afternoon and the doctor had us come in to be checked out for an hour but no change. Went back to the doctor today because since I'm still having contractions they wanted to see me - but no change...still. The doctor said I could be in early labor but since there has been no change yet they aren't going to do anything to help it along. *BUT* the doctor also said that he has no problem inducing me the end of this week/beginning of next as long as my specialist is okay with it. We see the specialist tomorrow and so we are going to ask them and then we have to go BACK to the regular obgyn on Wednesday to let them know what the specialist says. If the specialist says its okay than we are going to be scheduled for an amnio, to make sure the baby's lungs are okay and then induction the next day following the results of the amnio. The baby is still measuring rather large and I have gained 5 pounds in a little under a week, despite following the diabetic diet that they have given me, which is not a good thing for me or the baby and we aren't sure why this has happened.
As of last Tuesday the baby was measuring 7 1/2 pounds so it is likely that she could be measuring 8 1/2pounds now. The doctor we saw today said that if we are able to induce within the next 7 days that I will likely not have to have an emergency c-section since both our girls were 8lb 3oz...Otherwise if we aren't able to induce or go into labor before induction is to be done, we will have to wait till beg-mid September for the doctors to do anything...And this baby is already measuring 40weeks and they have me on bed rest for my blood pressure and i am on a very high dose of insulin. So right now - We are praying for one of two things, a) I progress into labor on my own within the next few days or b) the specialist gives the doctors the okay for an amnio and that the amnio results come back fine to go ahead and schedule the induction for within the next few days.