Thursday, April 23, 2009


If you choose to believe the Bible, then you have to believe in all of it, you can't just pick and choose what you like out of it. The Bible is God's unfallible truth. It is never changing and can not be compromised. If God's Word changed then what hope would we have in Him? He would be no different than you or I. 

God's Word is clear and there is not any room for interpretation. God is LOVE and He sent His one and only Son to die for a world of sinners all because He loves us. I couldn't let my child die for anyone, there is no one I love enough to give my childs' life for. I would gladly give my life for my child but I wouldn't give my child's life for anyone. Don't get me wrong I have a deep love for many people in my life, but there is just no one on this earth that I would offer to give my child's life for. If He didn't love us then He wouldn't have sent His Son for us... He loves us with an unfathomable love. 

God loves us regardless of who we are, where we have been, what sin we have fallen into or what others think of us. We aren't to condem or be judgemental of others. We are to love them as Christ loves us and has set the example for us... But we also should not condone, nor support a life of sin. The Bible clearly outlines sin for us to know how we, as believers, should and should not act... And Jesus set the perfect example. While none of us can be perfect, we are to imitate Christ and the life that He led, Paul says imitate me as I imitate Christ. None of us will ever reach perfection, but we should live our lives in such a way that we would not be embarassed if Jesus/God were physically present to be where we are. God sees all and knows all, so He is always with us anyways, but how differently would we behave if we could physically see His presence? Would He be weeping over the our actions that we openly do in front of Him or would He tell us, face to face, well done my good and faithful servant?

Just some food for thought...