Tuesday, February 16, 2010

my kids are the best.

My kids have been making me laugh and smile a lot today...And I've needed it! So, I thought I would share a few of the things that they do that put a smile on my face and maybe it will bring a smile to your face too. I think that the stages that children go through are, in many ways, a gift from God. I know that even on my worst days, something is going to happen, with my kids, that is going to crack me up!!

A, my youngest love to dance, bounce around and clap to the theme from Hannah Montana and The Office. She will stop what she is doing and get to where she can dance, I kid you not, I plan to post a video of this soon.

K, my middle girl loves to sit on my lap and tell me how pretty I am.

M, my oldest loves to make things for me and create things.

A loves to climb all over me and lick my face.

K loves to cuddle right up against me as close as she can.

M loves for me to come outside and run with her.

A climbs up on me with a books and says "reee mee" (which is "read to me" in baby speak).

K says she wants to marry her best friend because she loves him and he's her best friend.

M thinks she is an expert at everything, drawing, applying make up, etc.

A is hungry ALL the time! She *loves* chocolate and goes to the pantry saying "eeeeat eat. eeeat eat."

K is soo sassy! She dances around and always goes to put dresses on and wants to wear heels a lot.

M used to go and ask for candy by pointing and saying "shimmeee shimmeeee"

A has started talking and using her own versions of words and I absolutely ADORE how she talks about things and talks to us...She even calls her daddy by his first name.

K has asked people to start calling her "Princess" instead of her birth name because she is a princess! She also quotes Anjelica Johnson's skit "beautiful nail" and "bon qui qui" - look them up if you don't know them... you won't be sorry.

M is so smart! She amazes me on a daily basis with the things that she knows how to do and take care of. She helps out with her little sisters so much and on Valentines Day, she made me breakfast in bed, toast and all!

What are some of your favorite things that your kids, nieces/nephews, etc do? I'd love to hear about them!!