Thursday, February 28, 2008

So... It's been a while...

Since I have last posted A LOT has happened... Some good and some bad but that's life, you take the good with the bad... And HEY! You make lemonade out of the lemons!

I have resurrected my photography business. I have done weddings, babies, concerts, etc. I have done anything from studio to on location as well. The name, glad you asked!...
Lasting Impressions Photography.

I have TWO websites:

The latter of the two is currently under reconstruction. I am so excited about venturing back out into this field... God's just kinda opened a few doors, or so it seems, for me to be able to do this again and I have some AMAZING friends that are helping me rebuild my portfolio... And an AMAZING best friend who is donning a wedding gown for bridal shots for my albums, as well.

Look for good things... I know I am!

Also - My husbands website is taking off EVEN more than it already was. We have now done four artist interviews with more on the schedule to come! Insane! But... A blessing and answer to our prayers... Check out his site:

My sisters and I, and our cousins, are starting walks in Georgia and North Carolina to benefit the Huntington's Disease Society of America. They call it Team Hope Walk-A-Thons... We are doing this in loving memory of my mom who passed when I was sixteen. Feel free to email us if you are interested in walking or making a donation... We also have a myspace page.

My singing has taken a turn for the best as well... I've been singing at different places in metro Atlanta and now it looks like I have a "permanent" venue for Wednesday nights... Now if I can just get back into the studio! Haha!

Before ALL the above kicked off big time - I decided to do Lia Sophia Jewelry... I have three shows booked for March so far and I am so excited about them as well. Check out the AMAZING jewelry at - That's my mother-in-law's site because I do not have one set up yet though. This is a great opportunity and a great way to make money while being a "stay-at-home-mom." If you would like to place an order simply title your email "Lia Sophia Order/Show for Ashley" and email me at

Well.. Right now I am doing one of my most favorite things in the world... Well two - holding my sweet sleeping little angel baby girl AND talking to my best friend. I am blessed! God LOVES me!! Oh yes He does!

Till next time...
