Monday, December 29, 2008

Battle of the Bulge

I never used to have trouble with weight, after my oldest was born I was able to get back to pre-pregnancy size before her first birthday and *about* the same with my second child... I had to work HARD to get off the weight the second time. Now that I have had three children I find that I am at an unhealthy weight for my frame - healthy for me is anywhere between 140 and 160 and well... Lets just say I weigh WELL over that(I will be weighing in tomorrow on here, in the morning). 

I have wanted to lose weight, I need to. *But* now I am on doctors orders to lose weight. My heart has weakened and I have elevated cholesterol and sugar levels in my blood... Soo... I read up on a lot of things that can cause that and that can "reverse" that. Exercise strengthens your heart and lowers cholesterol and sugar... So! My plan: To start walking... I plan to start at 30minutes a day at a light pace and work myself up to running, I *really* want to run the Peachtree Road Race this coming year - something I have always talked about but never done... And dog gone it! I'm gonna do it! (providing we can afford to buy a number)

Tomorrow morning I am going to post a picture of what I look like now, with my measurements and current weight and track my progress weekly or bi-weekly... We'll see how it goes, but however frequent, I will be tracking it on here. 

Please give me some encouragement as I press on toward a healthier and more fit me. I want to be around a long time for my children, God-willing. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Needing to vent...

I am NOT super mom!

Last week my house was clean... We had the carpets clean, laundry was done and put away... BUT I didn't get any editing done on my photo shoots... This week I'm focusing on getting caught up on my editing... And my house manages to have toys all over the living room floor, bills on the table along with my daughters' homework and whatever else has been set down there, the bathrooms have dirty laundry and towels just thrown in the floor as does the bedrooms in my house excluding the nursery... The kitchen has dishes in the sink and groceries that need to be put away... BUT I'm getting my editing caught up...

Why is it the house doesn't stay clean unless mom busts it 24/7 with no break?? My husband doesn't work... He stays home. He has fun with our kids and plays video games with them... Why can't I have fun with my kids? The last fun thing I did with my kids was when we spent a week with the in-laws...

I need a cook, a maid, an organizer, an assistant, a nanny, a pet walker/groomer, a beautician/make-up artist/stylist, diaper changer, plumber, hvac tech, painter, decorator... You name it!!

So hear I am sitting at home... Looking at the mess that needs to be cleaned while my husband and 2 of my 3 children have gone to church because after taking care of the baby and helping get the older two kids ready I have no time left to get me ready for church. So I will sit at home and clean the living room and kitchen for the 2nd time today, undoubtedly to have to do it again after the kids go to and work on editing my photos. My husband tries to help with the editing but I can get 2 done in the time it takes him to do one and clean the kitchen, since the computer is in the same room. 

What is it with men? Do they ever really realize how much moms and wives do? My husband doesn't work... But I do. I'm jealous. I wish he would help more. 

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr............. And I have vented!!