Friday, April 17, 2009

My Best Friend... Besides my Jesus and my hubby...

So I just finished reading through my best friends blog... And I have to brag on her for a minute. She has taking such a stand and is turning her life around and I am so proud of her! She went down the road of drugs, alcohol, Atlanta party scene, etc thinking that was the life. No one could tell her no. She had issues of self esteem, a clearly beautiful woman on the inside and out that doubted her self. I wouldn't say any of this publicly had she not said it herself and realized who she truly is. 

She is all of us. She is beautiful. She is God's princess. And God NEVER wants any of His children to feel that way... But that feeling is all too well known amongst today's females. 

I'm proud of her - She is finding herself again and realizing God in her life again and the purpose that He has for her. I pray that everyone out there going through what she has gone through will realize before its too late that God loves them and that there is more to life than what this world has to offer!

I love you RD!! And I am so proud of you!! 

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