Sunday, February 21, 2010


detoxification - beginning of week 1

i've given a lot of thought to doing a full system cleanse with my diet because i have lost almost 35lbs so far and seem to be at a stand still. so. i looked at several detox kits, etc...and i realized that i needed to detox myself in more than just one way...i need/ed a full system overhaul! and you get to come along with me for ride...this is the beginning of week 1! and all these are things that i want to implement with my daughters and so far they are having so much fun with it...they like being girly and getting pampered :)

stage 1- diet & exercise
*cutting out all fried food, all junk food, sodas
*only drinking water, milk and natural juices
*only eating fresh foods(when possible)
*1hr of cardio a day with weight/resistance training as well

stage 2 - skin care
*exfoliating & moisturizing daily
*weekly detox/cleansing/microdermabrasion treatment
*increase water intake

stage 3 - home
*household/housework schedule
*time with family

stage 4 - mental & emotional
*me time...and expressing the importance of me time to my girls...much reading will occur during this time i'm sure

stage 5 - relational
*being intentional with my friendships and all relationships in my life, family, friends, acquaintances, etc

stage 6 - learning
*to learn something new everyday...and to further explore all my interests be it learning a new song, a new cake to make, a new way to decorate something, a new fact about my camera/photography, etc

stage 7 - spiritual
*get in the Word...consistently because everyone needs their cup filled and this is the most important thing that we can pass on to our to have a relationship with our Father
*increase living water intake

ps- today was a splurge day as i did indulge in lots of heavenly edible goodness at a bridal show with my dear friend Katie followed by the goodness that is known as Moe's...there is never a shortage of interesting things that happen when she and I are together for some reason and today was no exception! lol! but we def ended the day with a yummy splurge! so on to hitting it all hard core tomorrow morning!! won't you join me??

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